2 product specification – Acnodes FES 2230 User Manual
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1-2 Product Specification
Atom D 2550 Dual-c or e 1.86 GHz P rocessor
Atom N2800 Du al-core 1.86 GHz Pro cesso r
Atom N2600 Du al-core 1.6 GHz Pro cesso r
NM10 sou th Bridge Chipset
System M emory
1 SODIM M Socket, u p to 4 GB 800/ 1066 MHz DDR3 M emory
Expansion Slots
1 PCI -104 expansion no dule (2PCI master )
2 Mini-P CI-E exp an sion slot
Gr ap hic cor e 640 Mhz (D2550/N2800)/ 400 M hz (N260 0)
Su ppo rt AVC/ H. 264, VC1/WM V9, MPEG2 HW engine
Blu -Ray su pport (D2550)
HDCP 1.3 ans PAVP 1.1C cont en t p rotection supp ort
Su ppo rt Mic roso ft D XVA 2.0 and Overlay DD
MS COPP an d PVP -OPM sup port
Enabling key ISVs-Co rel, Cyb erlink, ArcSoft
Su ppo rts OpenGL 3.0 and M icro soft DirectX9
Display Function
Su ppo rt DVI -I+D VI-D or Du al 18/24 b it LVDS d ual display
DVI, VGA su ppor t 19 20 x 1200 (1080p) resolut ion
D255 0 LVDS su pport 1 channel 24 bit 1440 x 900 resolution
N2800 LVDS supp ort 1 ch an nel 24 bit 1366 x 7 68 resolution
ALC 662 HD C odex supp ort
Ph oenix BIOs, Sup port Power On After P ower Failure
2 Realtek 81xx 100/1000 Mbps LAN with Wake-On LAN & DMI
Disk Drive S torage
2.5” SATA HDD (share 1 P CI-104 space)
mSATA (occu py 1 Mini-PCI-E)
RS-232/422/485 Support
2 DB-9 for RS-23 2/422/485 & 2 for RS-232 (rear I/O 1) with au to-flow co ntrol.
Option al ex pansio n to 6 C OM.
Watchdog Timer
Programmable WDT fr om 1 to 255 sec on ds/ min utes