The followings are c language source code – Acnodes PCH 3582 User Manual

Page 54

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Example C code:

//Set GPO62

outportb(0x4E, 0xE5); //GPIO data reg.

Outportb(0x4F, (inportb(0x4F)|0x4)); //Set Bit[2]

//Clear GPO62

outportb(0x4E, 0xE5); //GPIO data reg.

Outportb(0x4F, (inportb(0x4F)&0xFB)); //Clear Bit[2]

The followings are C language source code:

#include "stdio.h"

#include "conio.h"

//Super I/O index access port

#define INDEXP 0x4E

#define DATAP 0x4F

//Enter super I/O programming mode

#define ENTERPRG { \

outportb(INDEXP, 0x87); \

outportb(INDEXP, 0x87);}

//Super I/O index write

#define WRITEREG(reg,val) { \

outportb(INDEXP, reg); \

outportb(DATAP, val);}

//Exit super I/O programming mode

#define EXITPRG { \

outportb(INDEXP, 0xAA);}

//Select logic device number

#define SELETDEV(ldn) { \

outportb(INDEXP, 7); \

outportb(DATAP, ldn); }

//Initialize the GPIO port2

int InitGP2() {

//Start the super I/O chip programming

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