Edimax Technology BR-6428nS User Manual
Page 69

3‐4‐1‐3 AP Bridge: Point to Point
In this mode, you can use this broadband router as a wireless network bridge and let all
computers connected to the LAN ports of both wireless access points to communicate with
each other. This mode supports only one wireless access point peer.
Please note that when you select this mode, this broadband router will act as wireless
bridge only, and will not accept other wireless clients.
Also, you can connect to the wireless access point with the same functionality only. If you
wish to connect to the wireless access points made by other manufacturer, please select
‘AP Bridge‐WDS’ mode if the wireless access point you wish to connect supports WDS.
Here are descriptions of every setup items:
Item Name
Please select the radio band from one of
following options (must be the same with the
wireless access point you wish to connect):
2.4 GHz (B): 2.4GHz band, only allows 802.11b
wireless network client to connect this router
(maximum transfer rate 11Mbps).
2.4 GHz (N): 2.4GHz band, only allows 802.11n
wireless network client to connect this router
(maximum transfer rate 300Mbps).
2.4 GHz (B+G): 2.4GHz band, only allows
802.11b and 802.11g wireless network client
to connect this router (maximum transfer rate
11Mbps for 802.11b clients, and maximum