Dx evaporator and starter options, Unit enclosures options, Fan options – York YCAS0130 User Manual

Page 24: Sound reduction options, Vibration isolation

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FORM 201.19-NM1 (204)

The following options provide added protection:

Black fi n condenser coils – Condenser coils con struct ed
using black epoxy coated Aluminum fi n stock for cor-
ro sion resistance comparable to copper fin coils in
typ i cal seashore locations.

Copper fi n condenser coils – Coils constructed with
corrosion resistant copper fi ns. Not recommended in
areas where units may be exposed to acid rain.

Phenolic coated condenser coils – Completed con-
dens er coil assemblies are covered with a cured Phe nol ic
coating. Probably the most suitable selection for sea-
shore locations where salt spray may come into con tact
with the fi ns, and other corrosive applications ex cept:
strong alkalis, oxidizers, and wet bromine, chlo rine, and
fl uorine in concentrations greater than 100 PPM.


300 PSIG (21 bar) Waterside Design Working
The DX evaporator waterside is designed
and con struct ed for 300 PSIG (21 bar) working pressure.

1-1/2" (38 mm) Insulation – Double thickness in su -
la tion provided for enhanced effi ciency.

Flange Accessory Consists of raised face fl anges to
convert grooved water nozzles to fl anged evaporator
connections. Includes companion flanges for field-
mount ing. (See Page 33.)

Remote DX Evaporator – Includes the main con-
dens ing unit less the evaporator, re frig er ant and liquid
line de vic es. The insulated evaporator and fi eld acces-
sory kits per re frig er ant circuit are sup plied separately.
The condensing unit is shipped with a nitrogen holding
charge and the evaporator is shipped with a ni tro gen
hold ing charge.

Flow Switch Accessory – Johnson Controls model
F61MG-1C Vapor-proof SPDT, NEMA 4X switch, 150
PSIG (10 bar) DWP, -20°F to 250°F (-29°C to 121°C),
with 1" NPT (IPS) con nec tion for upright mounting in
horizontal pipe. A fl ow switch must be fi eld installed
with each unit. Optional 300 PSIG switch available.

Star-Delta Compressor Motor Starter – Provides ap-
proximately 65% reduced inrush current compared to
across-the-line start (Factory-mounted).


Wire enclosure Heavy gauge welded wire mesh
guards mounted on the exterior of the unit (Factory- or
fi eld-mounted).

Louvered panels and wired guards Louvered pan-
els mounted over the exterior condenser coil faces, and
heavy gauge welded wire mesh guards mounted around
the bottom of the unit (Factory- or fi eld-mounted).

Louvered panels (condenser coils only) Lou vered
panels are mounted over the exterior condenser coil faces
on the sides of the unit to visually screen and pro tect the
coils (Factory- or fi eld-mounted).

Louvered panels (full unit) enclosure Louvered
panels over condenser coils and around the bottom of
the unit (Factory- or fi eld-mounted).


High static fans: Fans and motors suitable for High
External Static conditions to 100 Pa.


Low speed fans Reduced RPM fan motors and al ter -
na tive fan selection for low noise applications.

Compressor sound enclosures Acoustically
treated metal compressor enclosures.


Neoprene pad isolation Recommended for normal
installations. (Field-mounted)

1" (25 mm) spring isolators Level adjustable, spring
and cage type isolators for mounting under the unit base
rails (Field-mounted).

2" (51 mm) seismic spring isolators Restrained
Spring-Flex Mountings incorporate welded steel hous-
ing with vertical and horizontal limit stops. Housings de-
signed to withstand a minimum 1.0 g accelerated force in
all directions to 2" (51 mm). Level ad just able, de fl ec tion
may vary slightly by application. (Field- mount ed).

Product Description