York YCAS0130 User Manual
Page 11

FORM 201.19-NM1 (204)
per son nel. No attempt should be made to gain access to
the con trol panel or electrical enclosures during nor mal
op er a tion of the unit.
Rotating Parts
Fan guards must be fi tted at all times and not removed
unless the power supply has been isolated. If ductwork is
to be fi tted, requiring the wire fan guards to be re moved,
alternative safety measures must be taken to protect
against the risk of injury from rotating fans.
Sharp Edges
The fi nning on the air cooled con dens er coils has sharp
metal edges. Reasonable care should be taken when
working in contact with the coils to avoid the risk of
mi nor abra sions and lac er a tions. The use of gloves is
Refrigerants and Oils
Refrigerants and oils used in the unit are generally non-
toxic, non-fl ammable and non-corrosive, and pose no
spe cial safety hazards. Use of gloves and safety glass es
are, however, recommended when working on the unit.
The build up of refrigerant vapor, from a leak for ex-
am ple, does pose a risk of asphyxiation in confi ned or
enclosed spac es and attention should be given to good
ven ti la tion.
High Temperature and Pressure Cleaning
High temperature and pressure cleaning methods (e.g.
steam cleaning) should not be used on any part of the
pressure system as this may cause operation of the pres-
sure relief device(s). Detergents and solvents which may
cause corrosion should also be avoided.
In case of emergency the electrical option panel is fi t ted
with an emergency stop switch CB3 (Circuit Break er
3). Separate Circuit Break ers, CB1 (Sys tem 1) and CB2
(Sys tem 2), can also be used to stop the re spec tive sys-
tem in an emer gen cy. When op er at ed, CB3 re moves the
elec tri cal supply from the con trol sys tem, thus shut ting
down the unit.