York YCAS0130 User Manual

Page 16

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FORM 201.19-NM1 (204)

Motor Protection Modules (2ACE)
The mechanical motor protector is a Texas In stru ments
2ACE Three Phase Protection Module (Fig. 45, page
127), provides thermal and cur rent motor overload pro-
tec tion. This mod ule also pro tects against phase to phase
cur rent im bal ance, over cur rent, under current, and phase
ro ta tion. The mod ules, mount ed in the power pan els,
uti liz es a 7 seg ment display which provides op er at ing
sta tus and fault di ag nos tic in for ma tion. The 7 segment
dis play will dis play ei ther a sta tion ary or a fl ash ing al-
pha nu mer ic value which can be de cod ed by the op er a tor.
A list of the codes follows:


Normal motor OFF display. Sequentially

sweeps through the motor protection dip

switch setting.


Normal - no fault detected (Running)

Flashing “0” Motor off or un load ed < 5A (Running)

AC current lev el.




rent fault.


Loaded phase to phase cur rent

imbalance > 17%.


Unloaded phase to phase cur rent

imbalance > 25%.




com ing phase ro ta tion.


High motor tem per a ture. Trip point =

13kW, re set = 3.25kW.





Unload imbalance ( > 50%)


Phase Loss (> 60%)


Out of range of RLA cal i bra tion.

Other symbols Defective module or supply volt age.

Working voltage 18 - 30 VAC, 24 VAC nominal.
Low volt age trip

= 15 VAC.

Whenever a motor protector trips, the motor pro tec tor
contacts wired in series with the motor contacts opens
and the motor contactor de-energizes causing the mo tor
to stop. The micro senses the low motor current and
shuts the system down. The micro will try two more
starts be fore locking the system out. The system locks
out be cause the motor protector is a man u al re set
de vice. Af ter the fi rst start, the modules’ contacts

will be open pre vent ing the motor contactors from
en er giz ing. Power must be removed and re applied to
re set the mod ule. Use CB3 in the Micro Panel to cycle

Current Overload
The 2ACE module design uses one integral current
trans form er per phase to provide protection against
rap id current over load conditions. The module re sponds
to changes in current and must be cal i brat ed using DIP
switches lo cat ed on the module. Integral trip curves al-
low for in-rush cur rents dur ing Wye-Delta, part wind,
or ACL starts with out nuisance tripping.

To check the factory setting of the 2ACE module cur rent
overload trip value. See Table 1 (pages 18 and 21).

For the location of the dip switches and determining the
ON side of the switches, refer to Fig ure 45, page 127. As
in di cat ed, to place a switch in the ON po si tion re quires
push ing the switch to the left.

A switch must be pushed to the left to
place the switch in the ON position.
The numerical value for the combi-
nation of "ON" switches equals the
overload setting.

It is recommended that a YORK Ser-
vice Tech ni cian or the YORK fac to ry
be con sult ed before chang ing these
settings for any rea son, since dam-
age to the com pres sor could re sult.
Chang es should nev er be made un-
less it is ver i fi ed that the set tings are
in cor rect.

Anytime a dip switch change is made,
pow er must be cycled off and on to the
module to re pro gram the mod ule to the
new value.

Product Description