ZyXEL Communications G-360 User Manual

Page 17

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ZyXEL G-162/G-360 User’s Guide

WLAN Networking


2.2) [Enable CCX Mode] refers the Cisco Compatible Extension, which is the certificate-based

authentications (EAP-TLS, PEAP and LEAP) using dynamic keys for data encryption. Check this
box will enable PEAP-MS-CHAP-V2, PEAP-GTC, TLS and LEAP. Please see your MIS
administrator for these settings when you are about to enable one of these mode. Please refer to
Ch4—Configuring Wireless Security for detail WEP-802.1x and WPA-802.1x authentication
information. Also, please see the User Guide of Funk Odyssey software for more WPA-enterprise
security settings.

2.3) [Authentication Mode] includes PEAP-MS-CHAP-V2, PEAP-GTC, TLS and LEAP. Please

refer to Chapter 4—Configuring Wireless Security for the detail authentication information.