Clavinova memory – Yamaha CLP-970C EN User Manual
Page 50

Saving Recorded Songs and
Handling the Files...[FILE]
A file contains a group of
data. On the Clavinova, a
song file includes song data
and a song number.
Memory is a location inside
the Clavinova in which you
can save and edit data.
Formatting (Initializing)
Floppy disks are a conve-
nient media that allow you to
save various data for per-
sonal computers and other
devices. There are many
ways (formats) to save data
on floppy disks, depending
on the device. Therefore,
you need to prepare a floppy
disk by assigning a format
before you can use it on a
particular type of device.
This operation is called “for-
Character code
Type of characters
File screens (accessed via the [FILE] button) enables you to handle song files
(e.g., save, delete, and rename recorded songs), copy and format disks, and
change the characters on the screen.
The following parameters are provided for these operations:
Clavinova memory
The Clavinova has the following three types of memory:
• Current memory:
This is a temporary memory area where you can temporarily place and edit
the currently-selected song before playback or recording.
• Preset song memory:
This read-only memory area saves 50 piano preset songs.
• Storage memory:
This memory area enables you to save recorded songs or song data loaded
from floppy disk.
When you select a song in the song select screen, it is loaded from Preset song
memory, Storage memory, or floppy disk, into Current memory.
You will use Current memory to play back and record songs. When you turn
off the power to the Clavinova, songs saved in Preset song memory and Stor-
age memory are not erased. On the other hand, songs in Current memory are
lost. If you wish to keep a song in Current memory, you must save it in Stor-
age memory or on a floppy disk (see page 52, 53).
In this manual, a song located in a song recorded in Current memory, is
referred to as a “Current song,” a song in Storage memory is a “Memory
song,” and a song on a floppy disk is a “Disk song.”
Saves recorded and other songs in Clavinova memory
Saves recorded and other songs on floppy disks
Deletes song data from Clavinova memory or floppy disk
Changes the title of songs
Copies data from floppy disk to floppy disk
Formats a floppy disk
Change the type of characters on the screen
Floppy disk
Preset song
Storage memory
Current memory