Functions read by the ibm controller, Page presentation media command – Xerox 3270 User Manual

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3270 Programmer’s Guide
IBM Related Functions

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there are differences depending on which printer driver you have

For colour selected by attrubute, the Function Y62 string options for
colour have to be programmed. For details you are referred to the
separate FSL , PCL and XES 3270 Programmer’s Guides as the
functionality of Function Y62 depends on which printer driver you
have selected.

For APL characters selected by attribute, characters from the
APL/LU3 character table will be used.

4.1. Page Presentation Media Command

This is an IBM command which is used for selecting print quality and
feed device from the host system.

Function Y9, Print Quality, is used for defining a default font or print
quality (draft quality or near letter quality).

Function Y11, Paper Path, is used for defining the default paper path
(tractor feed or tray 1 or 2).

For details on this, please see the separate FSL , PCL and XES
3270 Programmer’s Guides as there are differ ences depending on
the selected printer driver.

4.2. Functions Read by the IBM Controller

There are exceptions to the rule that a function will have immediate
effect when received.

The functions listed below are such exceptions. They are only read
at power up.

Function 1, Buffer Size
Function 7, Case
Function 14, Enable Graphics
Function 38, IBM Communication Feature

When you have specified settings for these functions, you must save
them in the permanent memory with ESC X1 command, turn printer
power off for approx. 10 seconds and then back on again.