Yamaha MOTIF XS7 EN User Manual

Page 75

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Basic Structure

MOTIF XS Owner’s Manual


Basic Structure

Basic Operation


Basic Section

*1 The Bottom parameter is available only when the value is less than that of the Top


*2 The Color parameter may not be effective depending on the values of the Mode and

Stage parameters.

*3 The Top parameter is available only when the value is more than that of the Bottom



When “VCM Phaser mono” or “VCM Phaser stereo” is selected,
this parameter determines the offset value of the phase


Changes the meter.

Mic Gate

Determines the threshold level of the noise gate for the
microphone sound.

Mic Level

Determines the input level of the microphone sound.

Mic L-R Angle

Determines the L/R angle of the microphone.

Mid Attack

Determines the amount of time from the moment a note is
pressed to the moment the compressor is applied to the mid

Mid Gain

Determines the output gain for the mid frequencies.

Mid Level

Determines the output level for the mid frequencies.

Mid Mute

Switches the mute status of the mid frequencies.

Mid Ratio

Determines the ratio of the compressor for the mid frequencies.

Mid Threshold

Determines the minimum input level at which the effect is applied
for the mid frequencies.


Determines the volume of the effect sound.

Mix Level

Determines the level of the effect sound mixed to the dry sound.

Mod Depth

Determines the depth of the modulation.

Mod Depth Ofst R

Determines the depth of the modulation for R channel as offset.

Mod Feedback

Determines the feedback level to the modulation.

Mod Gain

Determines the gain of the modulation.

Mod LPF Cutoff

Determines the cutoff frequency of the low pass filter applied to
the modulated sound.


Determines the resonance of the low pass filter for the modulated

Mod Mix Balance

When “Noisy” is selected, this parameter determines the mix
balance of the modulated element.

When “Tech Modulation” is selected, this parameter determines
the volume of the modulated sound.

Mod Speed

Determines the modulation speed.

Mod Wave Type

Selects the wave type for modulation.


Determines the phaser type, or more specifically, the factor for
forming the phaser effect.

Modulation Phase

Determines the L/R phase difference of the modulated wave.

Move Speed

Determines how long it takes to move the sound from the current
status to the sound specified via the Vowel parameter.

Noise Input Level

Determines the noise level which is to be input.

Noise Level

Determines the noise level.

Noise LPF Cutoff

Determines the cutoff frequency of the low pass filter applied to
the noise.

Noise LPF Q

Determines the resonance of the low pass filter applied to the

Noise Mod Depth

Determines the depth of the noise modulation.

Noise Mod Speed

Determines the speed of the noise modulation.

Noise Tone

Determines the characteristics of the noise.

On/Off Switch

Turns the isolator on or off.

OSC Frequency

Determines the frequency for modulating the input wave.

OSC Frequency

Finely determines the frequency for modulating the input wave.


Determines the level of the signal output from the effect block.

Output Gain

Determines the gain of the signal output from the effect block.

Output Level

Determines the level of the signal output from the effect block.

Output Level 1, 2

Determines the level of the signal output from the 1st block and
2nd block respectively.

Over Drive

Determines the degree and character of the distortion effect.

Pan 1, 2

Determines the pan for each of the 1st series and 2nd series.

Pan AEG Min

This parameter of the Slice effect determines the minimum level
of the AEG applied to the panned sound.

Pan AEG Type

This parameter of the Slice effect determines the type of the AEG
applied to the panned sound.

Pan Depth

Determines the depth of the pan effect.

Pan Direction

Determines the direction toward which the stereo pan position of
the sound moves.

Pan Type

Determines the pan type.

Pedal Control

When “VCM PEDAL WAH” is selected, this parameter determines
the cutoff frequency of the wah filter. For best results, assign the
this parameter to the Foot Controller in the Controller Set display,
then use the Foot Controller to control this parameter.

Pedal Response

Determines how the sound responds to the change of the
damper control.

Phase Shift Offset

Determines the offset value of the phase modulation.

Pitch 1, 2

Determines the pitch in semitones for each of the 1st series and
2nd series.

PM Depth

Determines the depth of the pitch modulation.

Pre Mod HPF
Cutoff Frequency

Determines the Cutoff frequency of the High Pass Filter before
the modulation.

Pre-LPF Cutoff

Determines the Cutoff frequency of the Low Pass Filter before the


Determines the Resonance of the Low Pass Filter for the input

Parameter name



This parameter of the guitar amp effect controls high frequencies.


Determines the ratio of the compressor.


Determines the amount of time that elapses between the
releasing of a key and the end of the compressor effect.

Release Curve

Determines the release curve of the envelope follower.

Release Time

Determines the release time of the envelope follower.


Determines the resonance of the filter.

Resonance Offset

Determines the resonance as offset.

Reverb Delay

Determines the delay time from the early reflections until the

Reverb Time

Determines the reverb time.

Room Size

Determines the size of the room in which the instrument sounds.

Rotor Speed Fast

Determines the speed of the rotor when the slow/fast switch is set
to “fast.”

Rotor Speed Slow

Determines the speed of the rotor when the slow/fast switch is set
to “slow.”


Determines the volume balance of the horn and rotor.

Sampling Freq.

Controls the sampling frequency.


When one of “Dynamic Flanger,” “Dynamic Phaser,” and the TEC
effects is selected, this parameter determines the sensitivity of
the modulation applied to the input change.

When one of the VCM Touch Wah effects is selected, this
parameter determines the sensitivity of the wah filter’s change
applied to the input change.

Slow-Fast Time of

Determines how long it takes for the rotation speed of the horn to
change from the current speed (slow or fast) to the other one
(fast or slow) when the rotation speed is switched.

Slow-Fast Time of

Determines how long it takes for the rotation speed of the rotor to
change from the current speed (slow or fast) to the other one
(fast or slow) when the rotation speed is switched.

Space Type

Selects the type of space simulation.

Speaker Type

Selects the type of speaker simulation.


When “VCM Flanger” is selected, this parameter determines the
frequency of the LFO wave which controls the cyclic change of
the delay modulation.

When any of the phaser types is selected, this parameter
determines the frequency of the LFO wave which controls the
cyclic change of the phase modulation.

When “VCM Auto Wah” is selected, this parameter determines
the speed of the LFO.

Speed Control

Switches the rotary speed.


Determines the spread of the sound.


Determines the step number of the phase shifter.


Determines the minimum input level at which the effect is



Determines the maximum value of the wah filter.


When “VCM Flanger” is selected, this parameter determines the
flanger type.

When any of the wah effects is selected, this parameter
determines the type of Wah.

When “Early Reflection” is selected, this parameter determines
the type of the reflection sound.

Vocoder Attack

Determines the attack time of the Vocoder sound.

Vocoder Release

Determines the release time of the Vocoder sound.


Selects a vowel type.

Wall Vary

Determines the wall status of the simulated room. Higher settings
produces more diffuse reflections.


Determines the width of the simulated room.

Word Length

Determines the degree of sound roughness.

Parameter name


This manual is related to the following products: