Modify gate time, Crescendo 05: transpose – Yamaha MOTIF XS7 EN User Manual
Page 198

Song Job
MOTIF XS Owner’s Manual
oice mode
Song mode
attern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
produces no change. When the Set All parameter (above)
is set to other than “off,” this parameter cannot be set.
Settings: 000% – 200%
4 Offset
Determines the offset value by which the target notes will
be shifted from their original velocities. Settings below 0
reduce the velocities, and settings above 0 increase the
velocities. A setting of 0 produces no change. When the
Set All parameter (above) is set to other than “off,” this
parameter cannot be set.
Settings: -127 – +127
This Job alters the gate times of the specified range of
notes. Gate time changes are calculated as follows:
Adjusted gate time = (original gate time x Rate) + Offset.
If the result is 0 or less, the value is rounded off to 1.
1 Track and range
Determines the Song track (01 – 16, all) and range
(Measure : Beat : Clock) over which the Job is applied.
2 Set All
Sets the gate times of all target notes to the same fixed
value. When set to “off” the Set All parameter has no effect.
When set to a value other than “off,” the Rate and Offset
parameters below are unavailable and cannot be set.
Settings: off, 0001 – 9999
3 Rate
Determines the percentage by which the gate time of the
target notes will be changed. Settings below 100% shorten
the notes, and settings above 100% lengthen the notes
proportionately. A setting of 100 produces no change.
When the Set All parameter (above) is set to other than
“off,” this parameter cannot be set.
Settings: 000% – 200%
4 Offset
Adds a fixed value to the Rate-adjusted gate time values.
Settings below 0 shorten the gate time, and settings above
0 lengthen the gate time. A setting of 0 produces no
change. When the Set All parameter (above) is set to other
than “off,” this parameter cannot be set.
Settings: -9999 – +9999
This Job lets you create a crescendo or decrescendo over
the specified range of notes. Crescendo is a gradual
increase in volume, and decrescendo is a gradual
1 Track and range
Determines the Song track (01 – 16, all) and range
(Measure : Beat : Clock) over which the Job is applied.
2 Velocity Range
Determines the intensity of the crescendo or decrescendo.
The velocity values of the notes in the specified range are
gradually increased or decreased starting at the first note
in the range. The velocity of the last note in the range
becomes the original velocity of the note plus the Velocity
Range value. If the resultant velocity is outside the 1 – 127
range, it is set to 1 or 127 accordingly. Settings greater
than 0 produce a crescendo, and settings less than 0
produce a decrescendo. A setting of 0 produces no effect.
Settings: -127 – +127
n Executing this Job changes velocities of the note on events in
the specified range to produce the crescendo/decrescendo.
Note that this Job cannot apply the crescendo/decrescendo to
long sustained note having a long gate time. If you wish to do
this, use the “Create Continuous Data” Job with the Event Type
set to “Control Change 11."
Changes the pitch of the notes in semitones.
1 Track and range
Determines the Song track (01 – 16, all) and range
(Measure : Beat : Clock) over which the Job is applied.
03: Modify Gate Time
04: Crescendo
05: Transpose