Zone paging, Paging port mode – Vax M-9000 User Manual
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9.3. Zone Paging
This section describes the method of initiating zone paging from a PABX (extension telephone) using the ZP-
001T Zone Paging Module. The following 2 operation modes are available for the ZP-001T: Paging port mode
and Ring signal mode.
In both operation modes, when any of the following situations arises, the ZP-001T will not receive calls from
the PABX or paging calls will be muted. Even when paging calls are muted, since the line is kept connected,
they resume after the situation is restored.
• The input channel for the ZP-001T is turned off.
The ZP-001T will not receive calls from the PABX.
When this is done during paging calls by way of the ZP-001T, paging calls are muted.
• The input channel for the ZP-001T is muted by way of the control input.
The ZP-001T can receive calls from the PABX, but paging calls are muted.
When this is done during paging calls by way of the ZP-001T, paging calls are muted.
• Emergency-mute (EMG-MUTE) is activated by way of the control input.
The ZP-001T can receive calls from the PABX, but paging calls are muted.
When this is done during paging calls by way of the ZP-001T, paging calls are muted.
9.3.1. Paging port mode
Step 1. Activate the paging port from the extension telephone.
Since this method differs depending on the type of exchange, please read the instruction manual for
the extension telephone.
When the paging port is activated and the control input terminal is closed, the ZP-001T module
connects the line.
Step 2. Select the output channel.
Press [0] first, followed by the output channel number ([1] – [8] or [9] when selecting all numbers
simultaneously). Pressing the [#] key completes the output channel selection.
Example: To select Outputs 2 and 3, press [0] [2] [3] [#].
To make an all-zone call, press [0] [9] [#].
Step 3. Begin paging.
When the pre-paging tone is set to ON (
), begin paging after the tone sounds.
When the selected output channel is being used by other broadcast with higher priority level, a busy
tone is heard from the handset, indicating that paging cannot be performed.
Step 4. Deactivate the paging port to terminate paging.
Since this method differs depending on the type of exchange, please read the instruction manual for
the extension telephone.