Uniden DMX 776 User Manual

Page 32

background image

[ 3 1 ] S e t u p M e n u

w w w . u n i d e n . c o m

To release the keypad lock, press any key on the upper part of
the handset. While the display appears, press the # key.

Ke y pa d

Lo ck Of f


Backlight Color
You can change the color of your phone's backlighting. There
are 7 different colors choose from: Ocean, Kiwi, Sunset, Violet,
Sunflower, Sky, and Polar Ice.

To change the color of the display's backlight, go to

B ac k li gh t

Co lo r

and select the color you want. As you scroll through the

options, the phone displays the highlighted color for you.

Backlight Color


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