Uniden DCX 640 User Manual
Page 30

[ 2 8 ] G E T T I N G S T A R T E D
w w w . u n i d e n . c o m
If you choose
A ll Me m or y
in the step 2,
A re yo u s ur e ?
Press ring/vol/
∧ or ring/vol/∨ to select
Y e s
, and then press select/ .
The phonebook locations will be transferred to the handset. On the receiving handset,
R e ce iv i ng
and the handset name appear. When the transfer complete,
D o ne !
appears on
the handset.
System Reset
De-register the Handset
1) Enter the System Reset menu, and then the Deregister HS
submenu (see "Entering the Menu" on page 21).
2) Press ring/vol/
∧ or ring/vol/∨ to select the handset ID
to be de-registered from the list, and then press
D e re g is t er H S ?
3) Press ring/vol/
∧ or ring/vol/∨ to select
Y e s
, and then
press select/
. You will hear a confirmation tone.
When de-registration is complete,
De r eg i st r at io n
C o mp le t e
4) After de-registering the handset, move to "Replacing the
Base Setting" below.
Replacing the Base Setting
1) Enter the System Reset menu, and then the Replacing
Base submenu (see "Entering the Menu" on page 21).
R e pl ac e b a se ?
2) Press ring/vol/
∧ or ring/vol/∨ to select
Y e s
, and then
press select/
. You will hear a confirmation tone.
The base information will be deleted.
When replacing the base is complete,
P l ac e h an d se t o n m ai n b a se to r e gi s te r
appears, register the handset to the new base (see page 66).
9 J K E J * C P F U G V !
* C P F U G V
* C P F U G V
& G T G I K U V G T * 5 !
; G U
0 Q
4 G R N C E G D C U G !
; G U
0 Q
Make sure to perform
the Replacing Base
after de-register
the handset.