Appendix b: configuring the pcs – TP-Link TL-R402M User Manual

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Cable/DSL Router User Guide

Appendix B: Configuring the PCs

In this section, we’ll introduce how to install and configure the TCP/IP correctly in
Windows 95/98. First make sure your Ethernet Adapter is working, refer to the adapter’s
manual if needed.

1. Install TCP/IP component

1) On the Windows taskbar, click the Start button, point to Settings, and then click

Control Panel


2) Double-click



icon, click on the Configuration tab in the appearing



3) Click on the Add button. Select Protocol, and then click Add.

Figure B-1 Add Network Protocol

4) Under Manufacturers on Select Network Protocol page, highlight Microsoft.

Under Network Protocols, highlight TCP/IP. Click OK. TCP/IP protocol will
take effect after reboot.

Figure B-2 Select Network Protocol

2. Configure TCP/IP for your computer

1) On the Windows taskbar, click the Start button, point to Settings, and then click

Control Panel


2) Double-click



icon, highlight the bound TCP/IP tab in the Network

window that appears. An example is shown in the following figure:

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