Trimble Outdoors 5700/5800 User Manual
Page 205

5700/5800 GPS Receiver User Guide 193
PTNL,VGK message 169
PTNL,VHD message 170
pulse, for 1PPS output 95
radio antenna port 7, 14, 103, 183
Radio LED 38
RADIO port
5700 receiver 14
icon 14, 108
troubleshooting 183
radio-modems, using 3
5700 receiver 111
5800 receiver 28
internal 28, 112
TRIMMARK 3 28, 111
TRIMMARK IIe 28, 112
TRIMTALK 450S 28, 112
Range Pole antenna See RPA
raw observations 64
real time, configuring receiver in 52, 124
real-time configuring rece
rear panel 11, 107
bracket 22, 23
catch lock 11, 107
changing default settings 127
configuring 124
connecting to devices 148
current configuration 126
data files 62
firmware files 64
resetting 126
receiver setup 9–33, 105–113
receivers, multiple
red LED 38
Reference Position record, in application
reference position, default 79, 145
reference station
default 79, 145
default settings 79, 145
reformatting CompactFlash card 42
registration 2
release notes 2
5800 receiver 126
full 182
soft 182
to factory defaults 37, 80, 116
RPA 25
RPA bracket 20
RS-232 ports 7
RT17 output
5700 receiver 76
5800 receiver 142
default settings 79, 145
RTCM input 7, 102
RTCM output
5700 receiver 7
5800 receiver 102
default settings 79
messages 176
RTK engine 6, 102
RTK/OTF data 6, 102
rubber duck antenna 20, 25