Peak hold time, Peak program level (dbfs), Test level (dbfs) – Tektronix 070-8811-08 User Manual
Page 66: Set 0 db mark to, Consecutive fs samples for clip, Consecutive “0” samples for mute

764 Digital Audio Monitor User Manual
H Extended VU, a VU meter as defined in IEEE 152–1991, but
with an extended dB-linear scale. The 764 meter bars will also
contain true peak indicators when Extended VU is selected, and
the display designation of this setting is “vu + Peak.”
Note that this setting only affects meter performance when the input
is “live,” changing audio. A constant 1000 Hz, –10 dBFS tone, for
example, will drive the meters to a constant –10 dBFS reading
regardless of which Ballistics setting is selected.
Peak Hold Time.
Peak Hold time is the number of seconds that the true
peak indicator (see Figure 15, item 8 on page 19) remains at the most
recent peak. Set the hold time to 0 to turn the peak indicator Off.
Peak Program Level (dBFS).
Peak Program level is the level — relative
to digital full scale — that you choose as the maximum desired level
for monitored programs. The meter bars change to maximum
brightness (on the 764 display) or red (on an external VGA monitor)
above Peak Program level.
Test Level (dBFS).
Test level is the level — relative to digital full
scale — that you choose as the test or “line up” level for your system.
The meter bars change to medium brightness (on the 764 display) or
yellow (on an external VGA monitor) between the Test and Peak
Program levels.
Set 0 dB Mark to.
Use this item to number the meter scale relative to
Digital Full scale or to one of the two user-adjustable levels. When
the zero mark is set to either Peak Program or Test level, the scale
units are dBr, relative to the 0 dB level; units above the selected 0 dB
mark are positive, while units below it are negative.
Consecutive FS Samples for CLIP.
Select the number of successive
full-scale samples that constitute a “Clip.” This setting determines
when a clip flag (see Figure 15, item 9 on page 19) appears above a
level meter, and it also affects the number of clips detected during a
Session and included in a session report (refer to The Session Display
beginning on page 29). The range for this setting is 1 to 100; the
factory default is 1.
Consecutive “0” Samples for MUTE.
Use this item to select the number
of successive full-scale samples that constitute a “Mute.” This setting
determines when a MUTE indicator (see Figure 15, item 6 on