TechniSat DigiCorder S2 User Manual
Page 89

Use the arrow keys to move the programme
displayed to a different position of the Favourites list,
or enter the preferred programme slot number using
the numeric keys.
To accept the programme displayed at the selected
position of the Favourites list, press the green func-
tion key to select Yes.
Accept all programmes
To accept and transfer all new programmes without a
further check, press the yellow function key
The programmes will be added to the Favourites list in
accordance with predetermined criteria.
Reject programme (do not accept)
If you do not wish to accept the indicated programme,
and all the following programmes into the Main
Favourites list, press the red function key No.
9.5.4 Updating software
In addition, you have the facility of updating the operating soft-
ware of your digital receiver via satellite (ASTRA 19° East).
Use the arrow keys up/down to mark the line
Update software.
Press the OK key to go to the sub-menu Update
software (Fig. 9-32).
To perform a software update, mark the line Update.
Use the OK key to set the software update to on.
In the line Update time use the numeric keys to
set the time at which the software is to be updated.
To start the update procedure for the operating soft-
ware manually, press the green function key Test
and follow the messages displayed on screen.
Press the Menu key to return to normal operation.
If the parameters of the data chanel used for downloading
the software updates have changed, you can correct the data
in this menu as described under Point 9.4.4 (manual pro-
gramme search). Current transponder data can be obtained
from your retailer. Generally, under normal circumstances you
should not make any changes in this menu.
For the new software to be loaded automatically,
the digital receiver must be set to stand-by mode.
The downloading procedure will be indicated by
the message “Update S” as well as the percenta-
ge of data already downloaded. Do not interrupt
this procedure by switching the receiver on or off.
(Fig. 9-32)
BED_ANL_DIGICORDER_S2_28/03.QXD 30.03.2006 11:38 Uhr Seite 89