Tyan Computer TYAN S1472 ATX User Manual

Page 28

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w Boot Up Floppy Seek
During POST, the BIOS will determine if the floppy disk drive installed is
40 or 80 tracks. 360K type is 40 tracks while 720K, 1.2M and 1.44M
are all 80 tracks. Default value is Enabled

Enabled BIOS searches for floppy disk drive to determind if it is 40 or 80

tracks. Note that the BIOS cannot tell from 720k, 1.2M or 1.44M
drive type as they are all 80 tracks

Disabled BIOS will not search for the type of floppy disk drive by track

number. Note that there will not be any warning messages if the
drive installed is 360K


w Boot Up NumLock Status
Default value is On


Keypad is number keys


Keypad is arrow keys


w Memory Parity Check
The default value is disabled


w Gate A20 Option
Gate A20 controls the ability to access memory addresses above 1 MB
by enabling (Fast) or disabling (Normal) access to the processor.
Default value is Fast


w Typematic Rate Setting, Typematic Rate (char/sec), and
Typematic Delay.
Typematic Rate Setting enables or disables the following two options.
TheTypematic Rate (6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, or 30 characters per second)
and Typematic Rate Delay (250, 500, 750, or 1000 milliseconds) control
the speed at which the keystroke is repeated. The selected character is
displayed when a key is held down after a delay set by the Typematic
Rate Delay. It then repeats at a rate set by the Typematic Rate.