Sec tion, Bat tery in for ma tion, Cold tem per a tures and bat ter ies – Telex RADIOCOM TR-1 User Manual
Page 46: Bat tery life

Sec tion
Bat tery In for ma tion
Im proper bat tery se lec tion, use, in stal la tion and care are the
cause of nu mer ous wire less sys tem fail ures.
Al ka line Bat ter ies: Al ka line bat ter ies such as Mallory’s
® or Eveready’s EN ER GIZER® pro vide the
most re li able op er a tion in wire less trans ceiv ers.
The use of low cost car bon-zinc bat ter ies is NOT rec om -
Nickel-Metal Hy dride Bat ter ies: These bat
ies can save
you money in the long run, as they can be re charged. Typ i cal
bat tery life is about 90% of the length of time al ka line bat ter -
ies last.
Cold Tem per a tures and Bat ter ies
The bat tery life times listed in this sec tion are at room tem per -
a ture. Al ka line and Nickel-Metal Hy dride bat ter ies ser vice
hours falls off sig nif i cantly at low tem per a tures due to bat tery
chem is try. Al ka line bat ter ies typ i cally have less than half their
room tem per a ture ser vice life if used at freez ing 32
° F (0° C).
Due to the ser
vice hours re
tion of Al
line and Nickel
Metal Hy dride bat ter ies at low tem per a ture the user will need
to change bat ter ies more of ten.
An other so lu tion is us ing Lith ium AA cells if beltpacks are to
be used in very cold tem per a tures. Lithium bat ter ies, like the
En er gizer
â E
ium AA cells, are ex
lent bat
ies at
cold tem per a tures. At the tem per a tures of 15
° F (-9° C), Lith -
ium AA cells will last about 7 times lon ger than Al ka line bat -
ter ies. that equates to 2 hours for Al ka line vs 14 hours for
Lithiums. How ever, the trade off is Lithiums cost more and are
less friendly to the environment than alkalines.
Bat tery Life:
Al ka line, 8-10 hours typ i cal
Nickel Metal Hy dride, 7-9 Hours typical
Do not place an al
line TR bat
tery pack in any bat
charger. Se vere charger and bat tery pack dam age may re sult.
En er gizer® is a reg is tered trade mark of Un ion Car bide Cor po ra tion.
Duracell® is a reg is tered trade mark of Duracell Inc.