Sec tion, Tr-1 op er a tion, Ba sic op er a tional de scrip tion – Telex RADIOCOM TR-1 User Manual
Page 30: Sys tem quick start
Sec tion
TR-1 Op er a tion
Fig ure 7-1
Con trols and Con nec tions
Ba sic Op er a tional De scrip tion
The TR-1 is a full du
plex (si
neous talk and lis
beltpack that works in con junc tion with a BTR-1 base sta tion.
The beltpack al
lows a user, via a head
set at
tached to the
beltpack, to com mu ni cate with other wire less or wired us ers.
Other base sta tions and / or wired in ter com sys tems con nect to
the beltpack’s base sta tion. The base sta tion is what al lows the
au dio path in ter con nect ing for the beltpack audio.
The talk but ton on the beltpack turns the mi cro phone in put of
the beltpack on or off. The A / B rocker switch and the C but -
ton se lect pre set au dio paths that are set-up via the base sta -
tion. For ex
am ple, the base sta tion may be set-up for A to
route beltpack au dio to and from wired in ter com 1, B routes
beltpack au dio to and from wired in ter com 2 and C to route
au dio to and from wired in ter coms 1 and 2 plus active a relay.
Sys tem Quick Start
1. En sure the base staton and beltpack are of the same fre -
quency bands.
2. At tach an ten nas to base sta tion.
3. En sure in ter com ports 1 and 2 are loaded via a Telex
(AudioCom) load (300
W be tween pins 2 and 3) or con -
nected to a power sup ply. WARN ING: Fail ure to load
the in ter com ports could cause a loud feed back due to
ex ces sive gain when a head set is placed on the base or
4. Power-up the base sta tion.
5. Press