Troubleshooting – Tripp Lite APS INT 512 User Manual

Page 11

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Before sending your APS in for service, always check the following first. Call Tripp Lite Customer Service before
sending in your APS




APS receptacles do not provide

APS not properly connected to

Connect APS to wall receptacle.

AC output (AC input present)

wall receptacle.

Circuit breaker is tripped.

Reset circuit breaker.

APS shutdown due to excessive

Turn APS OFF. Wait 1 minute and

battery voltage (> 16V DC), indicat-

switch to “AUTO”.

ing possible charger failure. Line
disconnected to prevent permanent
battery damage.

APS is set to “OFF”

Set APS to “AUTO” or “CHARGE-

APS receptacles do not provide

Circuit breaker is tripped.

Reset circuit breaker.

AC output (AC input absent)

Operating Mode Switch is set

Set Operating Mode Switch to “AUTO.”

to “Charge Only.”

Load or High temperature fault.

Turn APS OFF. Wait 1 minute.
Remove overload. Switch to “AUTO.”

Excessive battery discharge.

Check battery condition.

APS will not charge the

Connected batteries are dead.

Check and replace old batteries.

battery (AC input present)

Battery fuse* is blown.

Check and replace fuse.

Battery cabling* is loose or degraded. Check and tighten or replace cabling.

APS charger failure.

Turn APS OFF. Wait 1 minute and
switch to “AUTO”. If automatic shut-
down occurs, call Tripp Lite
Customer Service.

All APS Indicator Lights are

This is normal if the APS is set

OFF (AC input absent)


All APS Indicator Lights are

Excessive battery discharge.

Use an auxiliary charger to raise

OFF (AC input is present or

battery voltage to at least 9V DC.


Check external Battery connections
and fuse. Automatically resets when
condition is cleared.

All APS Battery Indicator

Excessive battery discharge.

Use an auxiliary charger to raise

Lights are slowly flashing.

battery voltage to at least 9V DC.
Automatically resets when condition
is cleared.

APS “LO” Battery Light

Inverter shutdown because battery

Reset by cycling control switch to


voltage less than 10V DC for more

OFF position then ON.

than 5 seconds. Protects battery
from permanent damage.

All APS Battery Lights are

High battery voltage shutdown

Check all charging sources.

rapidly flashing

during Charge mode.

Reset by cycling control switch to
OFF position then ON.

APS “LOAD” Indicator Light

Inverter overload caused by

Reset by reducing load and cycling con-

is rapidly flashing

excessive load or short circuit.

trol switch to OFF position then ON.

If sustained for more then 5
seconds the Inverter is shutdown.

*User supplied


200002089 APS Manual 230 Volt Version.p65

5/31/00, 4:30 PM