Eatures – Tascam FW-1884 User Manual
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If you are installing V 1.10 drivers over a previous V 1.00 installation, the installer will
automatically overwrite V 1.00 files with V 1.10 files.
If you are installing over V 1.00 drivers then you will need to run the Firmware Updater.
The Firmware updater app includes instructions to guide you through this very simple
process. This updates the FW1884 from ARM135 / FPGA 45 to ARM 145 / FPGA 49.
These version numbers can be seen in the FW1884 control panel.
In Mac OS 9, the Firmware updater is placed in the FW1884 Drivers folder which will
appear on your desktop.
In OSX, the Firmware updater is contained within the .dmg (disk image) file. Double
click the image file to see its contents and run the installer & updater within.
New Features
Analog to ADAT Routing
This setting in the Routing tab for all platforms (Mac OS 9, Mac OSX & Windows)
allows the signals present at the analog inputs to route directly to the ADAT outputs.
This provides for use of the FW1884’s microphone preamps, control surface and MIDI
ports with an audio card that has ADAT inputs but limited microphone inputs. An
example would be the Digidesign 001.
NOTE: Most applications permit several MIDI interfaces to be used simultaneously. For
example, an app could simultaneously receive MIDI input from a keyboard while also
receiving surface control via the FW1884 MIDI Control port. On the other hand, most
audio apps do not permit multiple audio interfaces to be used simultaneously. This
means that in the above example, the Digi 001 audio I/O would be used while the FW
1884 would only be used for microphone preamps, MIDI and control surface. By using
the Analog to ADAT routing feature, the ADAT output of the FW1884 could be
connected to the ADAT input of a Digi 001, providing it with 8 additional mic pre’s.
Six Channel Surround Monitoring
Previously it was only possible to set the Monitor Level Control on the FW1884 to
affect analog outputs 1&2 or 18. It is now additionally possible to set the Monitor Level
Control to affect analog outputs 16 only, allowing analog outputs 7&8 to be used for
other purposes, like sends to external equipment, while mixing in 5.1. This setting is
made in the Settings tab on all platforms.