Oracle Audio Technologies Retail Data Warehouse 13 User Manual

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Data Population

Database Installation Guide 13

Create Time in RDW

If more time data is needed, modify the parameters below for the new time period and
run the module again. To minimize the load time for adding additional time, enter only
the first year to be added as the response for the first year prompt in number 5.


If RMS is not being used as the source of the time calendar, move on to step 2. After
running time extraction in RMS (see RMS Operations Guide volume 3 for details), FTP
time_454.txt, start_of_half_month.txt, and wkday.txt from RMS install directory to
the RDW directory /rdw13.0/install.


Login to the RDW database server as the UNIX user rdw13dev. Verify the RETL
executable is in the path of your UNIX session by typing which rfx at the UNIX


Change directories to /rdw13.0/install.


Verify the C compiler is in the path of your UNIX session and the C compiler is in
your UNIX library path. At the UNIX prompt, enter:

which cc


Compile the module cr_time_454, cr_time_13 and cr_time_g with a standard ANSI C
compiler. At the UNIX prompt, enter:
ƒ cc –g –I. –o cr_time_454 c_utils.c cr_time_454.c
ƒ cc –g –I. –o cr_time_13 c_utils.c cr_time_13.c
ƒ cc –g –I. –o cr_time_g c_utils.c cr_time_g.c


Execute the cr_time.ksh module. At the UNIX prompt enter:




This script prompts for the calendar type. Choose 1 for 454 time, 2 for 13 period time
and 3 for 454 with Gregorian time.


At the prompt enter the 4-digit year for the beginning and ending of the time


Please enter first year to be loaded:

Please enter last year to be loaded:


To determine the beginning and ending fiscal year,

refer to the text file modified above. Verify all months or
periods are included in the text file for the first year; no
partial years are allowed.

ƒ One text file is generated in the install directory for each dimension table.


At the UNIX prompt, for 454 time calendar or 13 period time calendar enter:
ƒ time_load.ksh
ƒ time_trnsfrm_load.ksh


At the UNIX prompt, for 454 time with Gregorian time calendar enter
ƒ time_load.ksh
ƒ g_time_load.ksh
ƒ time_trnsfrm_load.ksh
ƒ g_time_trnsfrm_load.ksh


Change directories on the UNIX server to /rdw13.0/log. Review
the log file that was created or modified.


Change directories on the UNIX server to /rdw13.0/error. Review
the error files that were created for time_load and time_trnsfrm_load. Review also