Populate datamart default data – Oracle Audio Technologies Retail Data Warehouse 13 User Manual

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Data Population

Database Installation Guide 11

Populate Datamart Default Data


As the rdw13dev user, change directories to /rdw13.0/install. This
directory contains the code for all default data installation scripts.


At the UNIX prompt, enter:



Read the comments on every install script called

within default_load.ksh, specifically
load_maint_dim_key_dm.sql because the initial date for
curr_load_dt might be different for every client.

This script executes the following SQL scripts:

ƒ alter_dt_fmt.sql – alters the current session’s date format.
ƒ load_program_control_dm.sql – populates the program status data for the RDW


ƒ load_dummyrows.sql – populates necessary ‘dummy’ records for low level


ƒ load_maint_dim_key_dm.sql – populates the dimension surrogate key

information and initial maintenance date.

ƒ load_indicator_dm.sql – populates the default values for a dummy table for

front-end reporting.

ƒ load_cde_dtl_dm.sql – populates the code abbreviation table for RDW batch

modules to reference.

ƒ load_prod_diff_type_dm.sql – populates the diff type dimension with default

diff type values.

ƒ load_rtl_type_dm.sql – populates the retail type dimension table with default

retail types.

ƒ load_cde_dtl_com_dm.sql – populates the customer order code abbreviation

table for RDW batch modules to reference.

ƒ load_tsf_type_dm.sql – populates the transfer type dimension table with default

transfer types.

ƒ load_wf_cust_type_dm.sql – populates the wholesale franchise customer type

dimension table with default customer types.


On the UNIX server, change directories to /rdw13.0/log.


Review the log file that was created or modified.


On the UNIX server, change directories to /rdw13.0/error. Review
the error files that were created for default_load.


On the UNIX server, change directories to /rdw13.0/install.


Rerun the RDW profile and verify that the MMUSER and PASSWORD variables are
set to the batch user, rdw13dev and the appropriate password. At the UNIX
prompt, enter:
ƒ time_static_load.ksh
ƒ time_static_load.ksh – populates the following tables with default values:
ƒ time_minute_dm
ƒ time_hour_dm
ƒ time_half_hour_dm
ƒ time_qtr_hour_dm