Optiview G0521 User Manual
Page 81

DVR Server Manual ver.5.05/rel.092507
7.8 VR Enterprise Series: DVR System Recovery Procedure
1. Reboot the PC by turning off the PC and turning it back ON.
2. When it begins to boot up (Black screen), press DEL key on the keyboard. It should bring you up
on the blue screen with top heading saying: CMOS Setup Utility.
3. Press arrow down on the keyboard till it is highlighting the Advanced BIOS Features then press
Enter key on the keyboard.
4. Press arrow down until it points to First Boot Device:
5. Press ―Page Down‖ key on the keyboard until it selects CDROM
6. Insert the System Recovery DVD into the DVR-RW device.
7. Press F10 then press Enter key on the keyboard.
8. The system will reboot, watch the bottom line on the screen. When you see ―Boot to CD‖, press
Enter key on the keyboard.
9. There will be an
other prompt ―Press any key to boot to CD‖, then press enter key on the keyboard
10. Wait until it finish loading the program, then press Enter when you see OK on the front page of
the program (About Ghost…….).
11. Press L for local
12. Press D for disk
13. Press F for from image
14. Press arrow down on the keyboard 8 times, then press enter on the keyboard. You should be at
the ―Look in‖ at this time. When you have pressed the enter key, you should be able to select or
highlight the CD-RW drive.
15. When CD-RW is highlighted, press enter key.
16. Press Alt
– O or press tab key on the keyboard 3 times to highlight the ―Open‖
17. Press Enter
18. Press Enter, password is 0ptiview1 or 0ptiview , 0 is the number zero
19. Type 8000
20. Press tab key and then enter key
21. Press left arrow to highlight ―Yes‖, then press enter key.
22. When it is done loading the image, restart the PC twice.
23. Using the CD for the drivers and software, go to the DVR server folder and open the Driver
folder to run the Driver Install program.
24. Run the ―Driver Install‖ twice and then reboot the PC.
25. Go to DVR server folder on the CD and install the DVR server software by running the