Optiview G0521 User Manual
Page 39

DVR Server Manual ver.5.05/rel.092507
【Video Split Mode】Select video output display mode, there are 1split
, 2split
, 9split
, 13split
and 16 split
【Video Window】 & 【Display Camera in the window】After selecting video split mode, there
will be a corresponding display video window. Select one camera or several cameras to show in the
window. The Video cameras allowed to be used can be any cameras from the local board card and
IP Cameras. For cameras from the local board card, the system uses soft decoding to play to TV
Wall. The total number of channels is not influenced by decoding channel. For IP cameras, the
system uses hard decoding; the total number of channels is influenced by decoding channels. For
. If you disable hard decoding by setting in
you can‘t output real-time video of IP camera to TV Wall.
*Note: one camera is only showed in one window once.
【Switch Video Interval(sec)】When there is more than one camera selected you can set the
interval to display the cameras in a circular fashion.
2.6.2 Display setup
【Display Group】 System operator can set groups of cameras to display for fast preview,
including its display mode and cameras. Up to 16 groups can be set.
【Video Split Mode】Set the split mode, the split mo
de is same as main window‘s display split
mode. There are1, 4,9,13,16,20,25,28,33,36,40,49 and 64 partition modes.
【Video Window】 & 【Display Camera in the window】After selecting video split mode, there
will be corresponding windows, select one camera show per window. The cameras include 64
cameras, when the total channels (cameras of local board card and IP Cameras) are less than 64,
some channels do not have image with black window.
*Note: One camera is only showed in one window once, but each camera can display any window
discretionarily. E.g.: The 1
camera has been displayed in window1, and the 2
camera has been
displayed in window2. When the 1
camera was reconfigured to be displayed in window2, the 2
camera will be exchanged in window 1 automatically.