Chapter 3: using the tv’s features, 20 chapter 3, Alert options – RCA Alert Guard 24F671T User Manual

Page 24

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Chapter 3

Graphics contained within this publication are for representation only.

Chapter 3: Using the TV’s Features

Watch level

Avalanche Watch

Coastal Flood Watch

Dam Watch

Evacuation Watch

Flash Flood Watch

Flood Watch

High Wind Watch

Hurricane Watch

Severe Thunderstorm

Tornado Watch

Tropical Storm Watch

Tsunami Watch

Wild Fire Watch

Winter Storm Watch


Advisory level

Child Abduction Emergency
(AMBER alerts)

Emergency Action

Flash Flood Statement

Flood Statement

Hurricane Statement

Local Area Emergency

911 Telephone Outage

Power Outage Advisory

Severe Weather Statement

Special Weather Statement

Warning level

Avalanche Warning

Biological Hazard Warning

Blizzard Warning

Boil Water Warning

Chemical Hazard Warning

Civil Danger Warning

Civil Emergency Message

Coastal Flood Warning

Contagious Disease Warning

Dam Break Warning

Dust Storm Warning

Earthquake Warning

Emergency Action

Fire Warning

Flash Flood Warning

Flash Freeze Warning

Flood Warning

Food Contamination Warning

Freeze Warning

Hazardous Materials Warning

High Wind Warning

Hurricane Warning

Iceberg Warning

Immediate Evacuation

Industrial Fire Warning

Land Slide Warning

Law Enforcement Warning

Nuclear Power Plant

Radiological Hazard

Severe Thunderstorm

Shelter in Place Warning

Special Marine Warning

Tornado Warning

Tropical Storm Warning

Tsunami Warning

Volcano Warning

Wild Fire Warning

Winter Storm Warning

Alert Options

You can customize how you want to receive each alert level.

1. Press the MENU button (the MAIN MENU appears).

2. Press the down arrow button to highlight Alert Guard

and press OK.

3. Select Alert options from the ALERT GUARD menu.

4. Press the right arrow button to highlight the alert level

you want to customize, for example, Advisory.

5. Press the down arrow button to highlight Message seen.

If you want an alert message to appear on-screen when
receiving an Advisory, press the right arrow button until
the Message seen box is checked.

Notes: Alert messages don’t appear when the TV is off.

Alert messages provide only basic information. You might need to
press HEAR VOICE to get more specific information.


G o B a c k

A l e r t l e v e l

M e s s a g e s e e n

A l a r m t y p e

A l a r m v o l u m e

Advisory . . .

None . . .

S e t o p t i o n s f o r W a r n i n g s ,
W a t c h e s , a n d A d v i s o r i e s
b y p r e s s i n g t h e l e f t / r i g h t
k e y s .


G o b a c k

A l e r t o p t i o n s

L o c a t i o n s

N e w s w e a t h e r

N W R c h a n n e l

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

S e t h o w A l e r t G u a r d w i l l
r e s p o n d t o d i f f e r e n t l e v e l s
o f a l e r t .

Note: Alert messages provide only basic information. For example, if a Civil Emergency Message appears on-screen,
you need to press HEAR VOICE to hear information about the specific alert it’s covering, such as a train derailment,
toxic gas leak, oil refinery fire, water supply pollution or an industrial explosion.

(steps continued on the next page)


4/28/04, 9:53 AM