Introduction – Rheem Commercial Power Direct Vent Water heater User Manual

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Read and Review this entire manual with special emphasis

on the Venting Sections (Pages 8-12) and Operation Section

(Pages 14-17) prior to any installation work.


This water heater must be installed in accordance with these instructions,

local codes, utility company requirements and/or, in the absence of local

codes, the latest edition of the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1 in

the United States, or CGA/CAN B149 Installation Codes in Canada.


A. This water heater is of the direct vent design. All air for combustion

and all products of combustion are routed through the venting system,

directly from and to the outside of the building.

The water heater should be installed in a clean, dry location as close

as practical to the gas vent terminals. Long hot water lines should be

insulated to conserve water and energy. The water heater and water

lines should be protected from exposure to freezing temperatures.

B. A gas fired water heater should not be installed in a space where liquids

which give off flammable vapors are to be used or stored. Such liquids

include gasoline, LP gas (butane and propane), paint or adhesives and

their thinners, solvents or removers. Because of natural air movement

in a room or other enclosed space, flammable vapors can be carried

some distance from where their liquids are being used or stored. The

open flame of the water heater’s intermittent pilot or main burner can

ignite these vapors causing an explosion or fire which may result in

severe burns or death to those in range, as well as property damage.

For these reasons, installation of a gas fired water heater in a garage

is not desirable.

if a location in a garage is the only alternative, the gas water heater

should be installed so that the open flame of the pilot and main

burner are no less than 18 inches above the garage floor. The water

heater must be located or protected so it is not subject to physical

damage by moving vehicles or area flooding. Raising the gas fired

water heater will reduce BUT NOT eliminate the possibility of light-

ing the vapor of any flammable liquids which may be improperly

stored or accidentally spilled.

C. All models are certified for installation on combustible floors and in

alcoves. The minimum side and top clearance to walls and ceiling for

providing protection of combustible materials are shown on the water

heater’s rating label. A front clearance of 18 inches (46 cm) should be

provided for adequate inspection and servicing.

If the water heater must be installed on carpeting, place a metal or

wood panel beneath water heater extending beyond its full width and

depth at least 3 inches (7.6 cm) in all directions. If the water heater is

installed in an alcove, the entire floor must be covered by the panel.

The water heater should not be located in an area where leakage of

the tank or connections will result in damage to the area adjacent

to it or to lower floors of the structure. When such areas cannot be

avoided, it is recommended that a suitable catch pan, adequately

drained, be installed under the water heater. The pan mUST NOT

restrict the flow of combustion air flow to bottom of water heater.

NOTICE: Auxiliary catch pan installation MUST conform to the ap-

plicable local codes.

D. RESTAURANTS — If the water heater is to be installed in a restau-

rant or other location where the floor is frequently cleaned, it must be

elevated to provide at least six inches (15 cm) of clearance from the

floor to comply with NSF International recommendations.

E. CORROSIVE ATMOSPHERES — The heater should not be installed

near an air supply containing halogenated hydrocarbons. For example,

the air in beauty shops, dry cleaning establishments, photo processing

labs, and storage areas for liquid and powdered bleaches or swim pool

chemicals often contain such hydrocarbons. The air there may be safe

to breathe, but when it passes through a gas flame, corrosive elements

are released that will shorten the life of any gas burning appliance.

Propellants from common spray cans or gas leaks from refrigeration

equipment are highly corrosive after passing through a flame. The lim-

ited warranty is voided when failure of water heater is due to a corrosive

atmosphere. (Refer to the Certificate of Limited Warranty for complete

terms and conditions.)






