Selecting servers, Accessing the osd, Server display options – Raritan Computer DKX116 User Manual

Page 56: Access a server, Figure 45 local server display

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Selecting Servers

Accessing the OSD

To select a server for controlling at the Local Console Port, access the OSD:

If you are presently logged out of the Local Console Port: Type a valid username and password,
and the OSD appears.

If a server is presently already selected: Press the OSD “Hot Key” <Scroll Lock> twice rapidly to
access the OSD.

Important: The Local Console Port OSD Hotkey is .

Server Display Options

While you operate the Local Console Port, Dominion KX will display a list of those servers to which you
have permission to access.

Figure 45 Local Server Display

Your servers can be sorted and displayed by two different parameters:

Select by Channel: Press <F2> while in the OSD to display your servers listed in numerical order, as
determined by the physical Dominion KX server port to which they are connected.

Select by Name: Press <F12> while in the OSD to display your servers listed in alphabetical order by

Access a Server

While viewing the Server Display in the OSD, press the < > and < > arrow keys to scroll through the list
of servers. Eight servers are listed per page, and if your list spans multiple pages, press the <PgUp> and
<PgDown> keys to scroll between screens.
Select a server (when the server is highlighted with the yellow bar) you want to access and press
<ENTER>. The OSD disappears and you are connected directly to the server you have selected.
To return to the OSD, press the “hotkey” (<Scroll Lock>) twice rapidly.