Raypak RayTemp Hot Water Energy Management Control User Manual

Page 26

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DN TEXT - Company Name

Accepts entry of company name into RayTemp memory. This

information will appear in installation reports. Edit with SPACE, BACKSP, F4, and F5.

PN TEXT - Property Name

Accepts entry of site name into RayTemp memory. This informa-

tion will appear in installation reports. Edit with SPACE, BACKSP, F4, and F5.

SL TEXT - Site Location

Accepts entry of city and state names into RayTemp memory. This

information will appear in installation reports. Edit text with SPACE, BACKSP, F4, and F5.

FN TEXT - Disk File Name

Accepts entry of a DOS file name into RayTemp memory. The

installation report and graphs will be saved in a file under this name (seven characters maximum).
Edit text with SPACE, BACKSP, F4, and F5. Only needed when logging data to a connected


BA SELECT - Communication Baud Rate

For direct connect, use 9600 Baud. For modem

use, set at required 9600. Speed is activated only during power-on reset or from ER ERASE/RESET

MS TEXT - Modem Setup

Accepts entry of AT command string into RayTemp memory. If a

modem is installed, the RayTemp will transmit this command string to configure your modem. Use
the Hayes-compatible modem manual for information about the AT commands. This text will also
appear on installation reports. Edit text with SPACE, BACKSP, F4, and F5. Once set, write down
at command string.

SH TEXT - Modem Disconnect

Accepts entry of AT commands into RayTemp memory. If a

modem is installed the RayTemp will transmit this command to the modem to terminate the phone
connection and prevent the modem from answering another call.

AD TEXT - Pager Dial-Out

Accepts entry of AT commands into RayTemp memory. If a

modem is installed the RayTemp will transmit this command to the modem if an alarm condition
exists. For example, commands can be selected to dial a pager and display a code to identify the
calling RayTemp unit. Consult your Hayes-compatible modem manual for more information about
AT commands. This text will appear on installation reports. Edit text with SPACE, BACKSP, F4, and