Raypak RayTemp Hot Water Energy Management Control User Manual

Page 20

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C6 SELECT - Maximum Extra Temperature

C6 and C7 are an extra set of temperatures

which can be scheduled for any purpose. They will become the maximum and minimum supply
temperature if the Extra schedule is activated by the time clock. Default Temp 140°F.

C7 SELECT - Minimum Extra Temperature

See C6 above. Default Temp 130°F.

HL SELECT - Supply High Limit

If the recovery temperature or the return temperature is very

low, the RayTemp may need to take the supply temperature above the programmed maximum.
Regardless of any conditions, the RayTemp will not take the supply or any branch temperature
above this high limit value. If the supply temperature exceeds this value by 10°F then alarm dial-
out will be activated. Default Temp 140°F.

LL SELECT - Supply Low Limit

The RayTemp will not schedule the supply temperature lower

than this value (or programmed minimum). If the supply temperature drops 10°F below this value
then alarm dial-out will be activated. Default Temp 120°F.

DW SELECT - Demand Windows in Minutes

This value sets the time period of demand

history to be used in calculating desired temperature. The default value should yield a smooth pro-
file. Decreasing this value will cause faster response to changing demand at the risk of instability.
Increasing this value will produce a very smooth desired temperature profile, however the tem-
perature may not rise quickly enough during peak demand periods. The range is from 10 to 90
minutes. Default Value 40.

DM SELECT - Demand % for Maximum Temperature

This feature provides a means of

increasing temperature in oversized systems which show very little demand. Example: Set to 50%.
When demands of 50% or more are encountered, the desired temperature will be at programmed
maximum. Below 50% the desired temperature will be proportional between maximum and min-
imum programmed values. The range is from 10 to 100 percent. Default Value 100.

DA SELECT - Demand % for ASL Strategy

This feature automatically adapts to manual

changes in the optional, secondary aquastat setting which may occur after installation. This
ensures continued savings even if the aquastat is lowered. (ASL is an acronym for Aquastat Set too
Low). The strategy works by lowering the setpoint temperature until the RayTemp has regained
control. For each 24-hour period that demand exceeds this DA percent, the setpoint is lowered by
5°F. Then for each 24-hour period that heater demand is less than one half of DA, the setpoint is
increased by 1°F until the original value is restored. The default value is 70%. The PERFORMANCE
DATA screen titled Temp Reduced by ASL Strategy will show a value other than zero if this strat-
egy is in effect. Default Value 70.