Appendix a: faq – Netac Tech T600 User Manual
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Netac AirTrack T600 Mini Wireless Router
Appendix A: FAQ
1. Why the wirele ss network card used AES encryption cannot be connected when I use WPA-PSK
security mode
Answer: T600 support TKIP encryption only and cannot support AES encryption When use WPA-PSK
security mode.
2. When I upgrade T600 firmware through wireless network card, T600 has no response, what shall I
Answer: It is suggested that you upgrade the firmware through wire network.
3. I cannot log on to T600's web page when I modify password as null, why?
Answer: The password of T600 cannot be set as null.
4. Why AP still can access to T600 after T600 filter the AP address in Repeater Mode?
Answer: In Repeater Mode, T600 filter child's MAC address only, it cannot filter parent node's MAC address.
5. Why I cannot configure for Client Mode? How can I configure the parameters of Client Mode?
Answer: When T600 running in AP Router Mode, Repeater Mode, P2P Mode and PMP Mode, you cannot
configure Client Mode, you can configure the parameters of Client Mode just When T600 running in Client
Mode. To configure T600 in Client Mode, select Client in the Mode Selection page (Figure 5.1), click Apply to
reboot T600, and then click the Client: Setup button.
6. My question is not included in "FAQ", what shall I do?
Answer: Please E-mail to [email protected], Netac customer service engineer will reply you in time.