Nokia 3586 User Manual

Page 97

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Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.



certification information 81
radio frequency signals 81

phone book

add entries 24
add number to entry 26
add other info 27
caller groups 28
change number type 26
change views 25
edit entry 26
erase names 27
erase numbers 27
erasing 27
menus 25
opening 24
primary number 27

phone book menu 16
phone book menu options 16
phone help 13
phone lock 65

activating/deactivating 66
allowed number 66
lock code 65
making a call 66

phone menus 13
phone symbols 11
polyphonic sound 44
power on your phone 9
predictive text 21

tips for 22
turning off 22
turning on 22

primary number, specifying 27

customizing 43
defined 43
selecting 43


headset 47
loopset 47
tty/tdd 47

punctuation, entering 20


quick save 24


Rapid Cigarette Lighter Charger 86
received calls, checking 29
remove the battery 8
restrict calls 66
ring options, setting 43
ring volume 44
ring volume, setting 44
ringing tone, setting 44
ringing tones, download 48
ringing tons

polyphonic sound 44

rings and tones 43


SAR 81

e-mail address 27
phone book entry 24
street addresse 27

scroll keys 13
scroll through menus 13
security 64

lock keypad 64
phone lock 65
security code 64

security code

changing 65

security settings

call restrictions 66
phone lock 65