Advanced – NetComm NB1300 Plus 4W User Manual
Page 45

Rev. 1 - YML672
NB1300_2 ADSL Modem
Page 45
The DNS Configuration page allows you to set the configuration of DNS proxy.
The NetComm firmware supports DNS proxy. For the DHCP requests from local PCs, the
DHCP server will set the LAN port IP as the default DNS server. Thus, all DNS query
messages will come into LAN port first. The DNS proxy on the ADSL modem recorded the
available DNS servers, and forward DNS query messages to one of DNS server.
Disable DNS Proxy: The LAN port does not process the DNS query message. For the
DHCP requests from local PCs, the DHCP server will set the user-configured preferred DNS
sever or alternate DNS server whichever is available as the DNS server. Then all DNS query
messages will be directly sent to the DNS servers.
Use Auto Discovered DNS Servers Only: The DNS proxy will store the DNS server IP
addresses obtained from DHCP client or PPP into the table. And all DNS query messages
will be sent to one of the dynamically obtained DNS servers.
Use User Configured DNS Servers Only: The DNS proxy will use the user-configured
preferred DNS server and alternate DNS server. And all DNS query message will be sent to
one of DNS servers. Enter the DNS IP in the Preferred DNS Server and Alternate DNS
Server fields.
Auto Discovery + User Configured: The DNS proxy's table has all the IP addresses of
dynamically obtained and user configured DNS servers.
User Configuration: Place your primary and secondary DNS addresses here.