Advanced advanced configuration for your nb1300 – NetComm NB1300 Plus 4W User Manual
Page 33

Rev. 1 - YML672
NB1300_2 ADSL Modem
Page 33
Advanced Configuration for your NB1300
How to make changes
The NB1300 utilises a Web based interface for configuration, this means that you do not need to
load drivers (unless using USB) and configuration is always performed via a Web browser (such
as Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator).
For each configuration page there is a Submit button to store the changes for that page before
you move on to the next page. Once you have made all your required changes you must click the
Save Settings and Reboot button.
Clicking this button will permanently store all your changes and implement them by performing
a reboot. Please wait upto 30 seconds for your router to reboot and resynchronize the ADSL
link (Showtime). The Reboot process is complete when the RDY light starts pulsing steadily
Note: DO NOT power the unit off or press the reset button again during the reboot process
Multiple Virtual Circuits
The NB1300 is capable of being configured to maintain multiple virtual circuits – that is multiple
routed connections or PPP sessions down the same ADSL copper cable. Most ADSL
connections will only support one PPP session please confirm your line’s / accounts capabilities
with your ISP. All configurations made in the one-page setup are made to Virtual Circuit Zero
(VC0). You can configure the other VCs individually by opening the Advanced WAN page and
selecting which VC you want to edit at the bottom of the page then pressing the Submit button.
All fields on that page will be presented in terms of the Virtual Circuit number just chosen.
USB or Ethernet?
The NB1300 can be connected via a USB cable or an Ethernet cable or both. The reason for this
is that the USB connection is simply an ehternet simulation, as far as your computer is
concerned the USB connection is an Ethernet connection, hence DHCP and other protocols will
work the same as for Ethernet.
1. After connecting all the ADSL Router cables,
powering on the ADSL Router, and launching a web
browser, such as Internet Explorer or Netscape
Navigator, browse to the address
2. Enter the correct user name and password to access
the Configuration tool. The default user name and
password are as below.
User Name :
Password :
You must click the Submit button on every page that you make changes on and
when you have made all your changes click the Save Setting and Reboot button