NETGEAR PS100 User Manual
Page 85

NetGear Print Server Manual
- Connects to NetWare PSERVER
- Receives the print jobs sent by PSERVER
- Sends the received network packet data to the printer
It is a two-step process to set up the Model PS110/PS113 print server in the NetWare environment.
The NetWare file server must first be configured, and then you can configure your print server.
Configuring the NetWare File Server
NetWare server configuration can be executed through the DOS-based PCONSOLE (NetWare 3.x and
NetWare 4.x), NWADMIN (NetWare 4.x), or NWADMN32 (NetWare 5.x) based on Windows. All of
these programs are provided as part of NetWare. Refer to the following sections for configuring the
file server using PCONSOLE. For information about NWADMIN, refer to the NetWare user's manual.
The following sections describe how to determine a device name for your print server and set up the
following three printing components on a Novell NetWare server:
• Print queue
• Print server
Configuring Your Print Server
There are two methods for configuring the print server in a NetWare environment: the NETGEAR
Print Server Administration Program based on Windows, or the PSCONFIG program based on MS-
DOS. Both programs are on the Model PS110/PS113 Print Server Resource CD that comes with your
print server.
Additionally, you can also run the QUICKSET configuration program to configure the print server and
the current Novell server in a single operation.
This chapter provides step-by-step instructions to set up the file server and the print server using
PCONSOLE and PSCONFIG programs. For detailed descriptions on the various options of
PSCONFIG, the NETGEAR Print Server Administration Program, and QUICKSET, refer to Chapter 8
“Using Advanced Management Tools.”
Determining a Device Name for Your Print Server
The Model PS110/PS113 print server is capable of servicing multiple protocols simultaneously.
However, you must always use the same name for the print server when you are using more than one
protocol. When the print server name is changed, the print operations in all protocols are affected;
therefore, it is important that you decide on a permanent print server name before setting up the device.
Also make sure that you decide on and assign a different name for each of the print servers on the