Netware general, Netware print server – NETGEAR PS100 User Manual

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NetGear Print Server Manual


NetWare General

The NetWare General screen provides selections for NetWare print server operation mode and

Ethernet frame type selection. Depending on which NetWare print server operation mode is selected

here, either the NetWare Print Server or NetWare Remote Printer menu options should then be selected

for mode specific configuration. Figure 8-4 and Table 8-2 show and describe the NetWare general

configuration screen and its fields.

Figure 3-9 NetWare General Configuration Screen

NetWare General Configuration Fields



Select NetWare print server operation mode. The choices are NetWare Print Server Mode or NetWare

Remote Printer Mode. The default is Print Server Mode.



Select the frame types used by your network. (Ethernet 802.2, Ethernet 802.3, Ethernet SNAP, and Ethernet

II) By default, all frame types are enabled.

NetWare Print Server

Use this screen when the operating mode is set to NetWare Print Server in the NetWare General

configuration screen. This screen sets the name of the NetWare Master File Server or NDS tree that the

print server should service. Figure 8-5 and table 8-3 show and describe the NetWare Print Server mode

configuration screen and its fields.