Macip (kip forwarding) setup, Macip (kip for warding) setup -28 – Netopia R7200 User Manual
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10-28 User’s Reference Guide
Select Release BootP Leases and press Return.
MacIP (KIP forwarding) setup
When hosts using AppleTalk (typically those using LocalTalk) are not directly connected to an IP network (usually
an Ethernet), they must use a MacIP (AppleTalk–IP) gateway.
The optional Netopia AppleTalk feature enhancement kit provides for this ser vice. A MacIP gateway conver ts
network traffic into the correct format for AppleTalk or IP, depending on the traffic’s destination. The MacIP
gateway can also distribute IP addresses to AppleTalk computers on the network.
Note: Macintosh computers that have LocalTalk or EtherTalk selected in the MacTCP control panel, or
“AppleTalk (MacIP)” selected in the TCP/IP control panel, must use the MacIP gateway to communicate with the
Internet or any other IP network. Users should point their MacTCP or TCP/IP control panel to look in the
LocalTalk zone for the MacIP ser ver. Macintosh computers that have Ethernet selected in the MacTCP or TCP/IP
control panel can do their own AppleTalk–IP conversions.
Setting up MacIP involves choosing MacIP dynamic address ser ving and then configuring that type. KIP
for warding is simply a method for distributing IP addresses to AppleTalk clients.
In the IP Address Ser ving screen, select Serve Mac IP/KIP Clients and toggle to Yes to enable MacIP/KIP
address ser ving capability. This option is automatically enabled if the AppleTalk kit is installed and IP
Address Ser ving is enabled.
Select MacIP/KIP Static Options and press Return. The MacIP/KIP For warding screen appears.
IP Address Lease Management
Reset All Leases
Release BootP Leases
Reclaim Declined Addresses
Hit RETURN/ENTER, you will return to the previous screen.