Power Sentry COMPASS 4 User Manual
Page 72

Newpoint Technologies, Inc. COMP-USER-006
Salem, NH 03079 Rev. 3.2 –01/31/01
Pop-up List Button: Click on the button to display a pop-up list of
items to select.
Pull-down List Box: Click on the arrow to display a drop-down list
of items to select.
Mouse Pointer: Use this pointer to indicate items or areas to select or
Text Entry Fields: Type requested information in these fields.
Scroll Bar (List Box): Click on the arrows at either end of the scroll
bar, move the scroll box, or click in the scroll bar to navigate through
records or items.
Radio Buttons: Click on a radio button to select it. An option is
selected when the button is filled. You can select only one button
from a group.
Check Boxes: Click on an empty checkbox to select it. The option is
selected when the box is filled. If there are multiple boxes, you can
select more than one.
Status Line / Queue Text: When you rest the mouse cursor on a
function button, Compass offers a brief description of the function.