NEC MultiSync LT 80 User Manual

Page 30

background image

Horizontal Position


Use the “Adjust” (+) button to move the image right; (–) to move it left.

Vertical Position


Use the “Adjust” (+) button to move the image up; (–) to move it down.

Auto Picture


Use the “Adjust” (+) button to turn this feature on so “Picture” and “Fine Picture” adjust-
ments are made automatically. Use the “Adjust” (–) button to turn this feature off so you can
make “Picture and Fine Picture” adjustments manually.

Picture Adjustment


(when AUTO PICTURE is off)

Use this icon with the “Fine Picture Adjustment” to fine tune the computer image or to
remove any vertical banding that might appear. This function adjusts the clock frequencies
to eliminate the vertical banding in the image. Press the “Adjust” (+) and (–) buttons until
the banding disappears. This adjustment may be necessary when you connect your compu-
ter for the first time. This adjustment is made automatically when the Auto Picture is turned


Fine Picture


(when AUTO PICTURE is off)

Use this icon to adjust the clock phase or to reduce video noise, dot interference or cross
talk. (This is evident when part of your image appears to be shimmering.) Use the “Adjust”
(+) and (–) buttons to adjust the image. Use the Fine Adjustment only after the Picture
Adjustment is complete. This adjustment is made automatically when the Auto Picture is
turned on.

Color, Tint, Sharpness and Image Mode controls will not work with an RGB source. The Tint

control will not work with a PAL or SECAM source.

ૺૺ Horizontal and Vertical position controls, and Picture, Fine Picture and Auto Picture

adjustments will not work with a Video or S-Video source.