Index – National Instruments AutoCode NI MATRIX User Manual

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© National Instruments Corporation


AutoCode Reference



add and subtract macros, 2-40

UCB-Ada fixed calling, 3-12
UCB-C fixed calling, 2-13

arithmetic macros, 2-35

iinfo, 5-17
IP, 5-16, 5-17
R_P for vectorized code, 6-4
rinfo, 5-17
RP, 5-16, 5-17

vectorized code, 6-4

asynchronous procedures. See generated code

architecture, asynchronous procedures

AutoCode, fixed-point. See fixed-point
autostar command, 3-16


bitwise functions, 3-26
block state

state data, 5-9

BlockScript block. See generated code

architecture, BlockScript block

BOOLEAN data type, 2-4, 3-5
BREAK Block, 5-40


C fixed-point arithmetic. See fixed-point, C
caller-id, 5-18
calling UCBs, 3-12

global variable block, 5-51
non-shared global variable blocks

critical section with epi option, 5-52
critical section without epi option, 5-51

non-shared variable blocks, 5-51
pairs, 5-51
parameterized UCB, 5-38
shared global variable blocks, 5-53

critical section with epi option, 5-54
critical section without epi option, 5-53

shared memory, 5-50

read, 5-50
write, 5-50

shared memory fixed-point callouts

Ada, 5-47
C, 5-46

variable blocks, 5-19

requirements, 5-49
shared variable block support, 5-47
template code, 5-48

code generation

scalar, 6-1

example code for gain block, 6-2

signal connectivity, 6-5
unrolled code, 6-5
vectorized, 6-1

array subscripts, 6-4
benefits, 6-1
example code for gain block, 6-3
maximal vectorized code generation for

example SystemBuild model, 6-9

mixed vectorized code generation for

example SystemBuild model, 6-12

requirements for, 6-4
vector labels, 6-8

code, example

gain block

scalar code, 6-2
vectorized code, 6-3