Taking your pictures – Nikon 990 User Manual
Page 36

iPIX® Photography with Nikon Digital Cameras
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Taking Your Pictures
This chapter will walk you an iPIX® photography session. Every time you
take a new set of pictures (after every two shots), you will need to repeat
each of these steps, which include taking the first picture, rotating the
camera, taking the second picture, and resetting Exposure Lock mode.
Before you begin taking pictures, make sure you have everything you
• Freshly charged batteries and a new set of alkaline batteries. Digital
cameras use batteries very quickly. Even if you are using nickel metal
hydride (NiMH) batteries, they may run down before you are finished
taking pictures. Carrying a spare set is always a good idea.
• The flash must be disabled when you use your Nikon digital camera
for iPIX photography. When you set the camera to Fisheye Lens mode,
the flash is automatically disabled.
• Your camera should be in Fine mode when you turn it on. The letters
“FINE” will appear in the top LCD panel.
General photography tips are also provided in this chapter.
For the best results, it is strongly recommended that you familiarize your-
self with the Nikon Coolpix manuals included with your camera before
taking any pictures.