Macintosh computer requirements, Technical support – Nikon 990 User Manual
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Technical Support
iPIX® Photography with Nikon Digital Cameras
Macintosh Computer Requirements
To use this kit and all included software with
your Macintosh computer, you will need:
• One free serial port on your computer,
USB port, or a PCMCIA Type II card slot
To use the USB connectivity option, System 8.6
or later must be installed on your computer.
• System 8.1 with Appearance Manager
installed, System 8.6 or later recom-
• QuickTime 3.0 or later installed.
• Quad-speed or faster CD-ROM drive.
• PowerPC 603e 180 Mhz or faster processor.
• 64 MB of physical RAM.
A memory management program like RAM Doubler, which can “double”
32 MB of RAM to 64 MB, will not work with your iPIX software. The
installation program checks your system for at least 64 MB of RAM, and if
it is not found, the iPIX software will not be installed.
• 60 MB of free hard disk space.
• Video display capable of 640 x 480 pixels or higher with 256 colors
(thousands of colors or better recommended).
Technical Support
Technical support is available for assistance with any iPIX product by vis-
iting Internet Pictures Corporation’s Web site located at or by calling toll-free (888)