Basic operations, The (playback) button, The (favorites) button – Nikon S560 User Manual

Page 22: C (playback) button, R (favorites) button, The c (playback) button the r (favorites) button

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Basic Operations


c (Playback) Button


r (favorites) Button

Favorites Menu


c once in shooting mode to enter playback

mode; press again to switch back to shooting mode.
Pressing the shutter-release button in playback mode

A 26) will also activate shooting mode.

If the camera is turned off, hold down

c to turn the

camera on in playback mode (

A 26).


r to display the Favorites menu. The camera

mode can be switched to the following modes using
the favorites menu. Use the multi selector (

A 9) to

choose the desired mode.

Favorite pictures

List by date mode

A 57)

Scene mode (

A 33)

Favorite pictures
playback mode (

A 66)

Movie mode (

A 69)

Auto mode (

A 20)

Voice recording mode (

A 75)

Setup mode (

A 114)

Food mode (

A 44)

Scene auto selector mode


A 42)

Smile mode (

A 46)

Playback mode (

A 26)

Auto sort mode (

A 60)