Symposium agent greeting, Overview, Customer profile – Nortel Networks 7400 User Manual

Page 168: Defining needs, Typical applications, Key points

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Symposium Agent Greeting


Symposium Agent Greeting


Nortel Networks Symposium Agent Greeting offers contact centres a simple, cost effective and easy-to-use

solution that enables contact centre agents to pre-record standard or multiple greetings that can be played

to each customer before the agent handles the live call. This way, agents in high-volume contact centres are

relieved of the monotony of repeating the same greeting over and over throughout the course of their shift.

Likewise, contact centre agents who answer calls with multiple and unique greetings based on the customers

are afforded that extra few seconds to transition from one call to the next, ensuring the agent is prepared to

give each caller their undivided attention and superior service.

Customer Profile

• Agent Greeting is ideal for medium to large

contact centres with medium to high

inbound call volumes

• Service bureau environments

• Contact centres with skill base routing

• Multilingual contact centres where regional, or

cultural distinctions are business requirements

• Agent Greeting is an excellent solution for Nortel

Networks large base of Meridian 1 contact centres -

this includes Symposium Call Centre Server,

Symposium Express Call Centre, Meridian 1 ACD

and Meridian MAX. It is compatible with any

version of SCCS, SECC and Meridian MAX. It is also

compatible with Succession CSE 1000 release 2.0.

Defining Needs

• Do you want your call centre agents freed from

repeating a standard greeting for each call?

• Do you have agents answering calls for multiple

skill sets or languages that need to be greeted


• Are you operating an outsourced service bureau

environment where agents are handling calls

from multiple accounts?

• Are your agents working in a high volume (300+

calls per day) environment?

• Do your agents get tired of repeating the standard

greeting, resulting in their greeting becoming flat

and unwelcoming by the end of the day?

• Are you looking for innovative ways to increase

agent satisfaction and retention, saving on

training and recruitment costs?

• Are you aiming for higher levels of customer

retention and customer loyalty?

Typical Applications

• High volume call centres with short call times

such as taxi bookings and paging companies

• Simple or sophisticated, any call centre where

agents are handling approximately 300 calls per

day can instantly see benefit in using this robust

and scalable solution

• Call centres with a large skill set, language or

service offering a mix that requires differentiated

greetings based on call type

• Service bureaus or outsourced call centres where

agents are handling a variety of clients calls

• Any call centre where flat, monotonous greetings

appear after a long day and busy day, impacting

agent moral and customer relationships. (Agent

satisfaction is an ongoing challenge for today's

dynamic contact centres as agents are being

increasingly challenged both by call volume as

well as diverse callers who have unique and often

varied needs.)

• Symposium Agent Greeting is useful in any call

centre where retaining the best and brightest

talent is critical.

Key Points

• Increases agent satisfaction - Agent Greeting

makes agents' jobs easier, giving them extra time

to transition between calls and eliminating the

repetitive or mundane task of repeating standard

greetings throughout the course of their shift

• Improves agent retention and reduces costs -

satisfied agents with high morale are more likely

to stay in their jobs longer, thereby improving

agent retention and reducing costs associated

with training and recruiting

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