Introduction – Nikon WT-3 User Manual
Page 9

Thank you for purchasing a WT-3 or WT-3A wireless transmitter for compatible
Nikon digital cameras. The WT-3 is for use in the country of sale, the countries of the
European Union (EU) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA), Thailand, Japan,
and Hong Kong. The WT-3A is for use in the country of sale, Canada, and the United
States of America. The principal diff erence between the WT-3 and WT-3A is in the
number of channels supported ( 14, 36); unless otherwise stated, all references to
the WT-3 also apply to the WT-3A.
This manual describes how to connect the WT-3, how to control the camera from a
computer, and how to transmit images to a computer or printer. Before using the
WT-3, be sure to read the notices and warnings on pages i–iv.
The following symbols and conventions are used throughout this manual:
Background Knowledge
This manual assumes basic knowledge of ftp servers and local area networks (LAN). For more
information on installing, confi guring, and using devices in a network, contact the manufac-
turer or network administrator.
Life-Long Learning
As part of Nikon’s “Life-Long Learning” commitment to ongoing prod uct sup port and ed u -
ca tion, con tin u al ly-updated information is avail able on-line at the following sites:
• For users in the U.S.A.:
• For users in Europe and Africa:
• For users in Asia, Oceania, and the Middle East:
Visit these sites to keep up-to-date with the latest product in for ma tion, tips, an swers to fre-
quent ly-asked ques tions (FAQs), and gen er al advice on digital imaging and pho tog ra phy. Ad-
di tion al information may be available from the Nikon rep re sen ta tive in your area. See the URL
below for contact in for ma tion:
This icon indicates that more infor-
mation is available elsewhere in this
This icon marks notes, information
that should be read before using the
This icon marks tips, additional infor-
mation that may be helpful when us-
ing the product.
This icon marks cautions, information
that should be read before use to pre-
vent damage to the product.