Uploading images: transfer mode, Connecting to the host or ftp server – Nikon WT-3 User Manual

Page 29

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Uploading Images: Transfer Mode

Choose transfer mode to upload photographs to a computer or ftp server. The
principal steps are:

Upload images ......................................................................................


Before connecting to the host, create a host profi le using the WT-3 Setup Utility
( 11–16) and be sure that the host is running. Settings for connection for an ftp
server can also be adjusted from the camera menus ( 48–50).

Connecting to the Host or ftp Server

Choose PTP

Before connecting the WT-3, set the USB option in the camera setup menu to PTP ( 11).


Turn the camera off and insert the memory card
containing the pictures to be sent.



To access the network via Ethernet, connect the Ethernet cable ( 4). Note

that wireless transfer is disabled while an Ethernet cable is connected. Dis-
connect the Ethernet cable before accessing a wireless network. Turn the
camera off before connecting or disconnecting the Ethernet cable.


Turn the camera on.


Select Transfer mode for the Wireless trans-

mitter > Mode option in the camera setup menu
( 34).

Connect to the host or ftp server ....................................................
