Nikon WT-3 User Manual
Page 23

Ad-hoc Wireless Networks
Ad-hoc mode uses IP addresses beginning with 169.254. If the computer later becomes part
of an infrastructure network, it must be reconfi gured for automatic IP addressing and the
camera wireless profi le modifi ed to refl ect the new settings. Consult the network administra-
tor for details.
Enter network TCP/IP settings.
• Obtain IP address automatically: Select this option if the
network is confi gured to supply IP addresses automati-
cally. If the network does not include a DHCP server,
addresses will be supplied by Auto IP
• IP address: If the network is confi gured for manual IP ad-
dressing, enter an IP address for the WT-3.
• Subnet mask: If the network is confi gured for manual IP
addressing, enter a subnet mask for the WT-3.
• Default gateway: If the network requires a gateway address, select this option and enter
the address supplied by the network administrator. This option applies only if FTP
server is selected for Profi le type in Step 7.
• DNS server: If a Domain Name Server exists on the network, select this option and enter
the address supplied by the network administrator. This option applies only if FTP
server is selected for Profi le type in Step 7.
Click Next. If FTP server was selected for Profi le type in Step 7, the dialog
shown in Step 11 will be displayed. Otherwise proceed to Step 12.
Enter ftp settings and click Next.
• FTP server name: Enter the URL or IP address of the ftp
• FTP server port: Enter the port number for the ftp server.
The default is port 21.
• FTP server path: Choose the folder to which pictures will
be uploaded. If no path is specifi ed, pictures will be
uploaded to the home directory.
• Use anonymous login: Select this option for anonymous
login, or leave this option unchecked to supply a user name and password.
• Use FTP server proxy: If a proxy server is required for ftp, select this option and enter the
server name and port number for the proxy server.
• Passive mode: Select this option to use PASV mode.