Niles Audio DMS4 User Manual

Page 33

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Press and release any Genres listed on the screen and the user

will now be presented will all of the albums for the chosen


Fig. 6-12 ICS CONTACT interface: accessing the Genres menu

Years and Eras are listed on the second screen of the Main

Menu, to access the second screen press the PageV button.
Entering YEARS the user is presented with ALL and a list of years

that the albums were originally released in. Eras will present the

user with a list of eras that applies to the music on the DMS4.

Below is a CONTACT screen sample for both years and eras


Fig. 6-13 ICS CONTACT interface: the Years and Eras screens

Within the tracks, album, artists, genres, years and eras menus

the user can perform an alphanumeric search for a specific

music title contained on the DMS4. When available the menu

will present the user with an aBC’s button. After pressing the

ABC’s button the user sees an alphanumeric screen where he

can now enter up to 4 characters to refine his search. The user

would press the # button to show the music that starts with non-

alphabetic characters.

Fig. 6-14 ICS CONTACT interface: accessing the alphanumeric menu

In the above example, if the user wanted to find all of the artists

whose first name starts with M, he would press the letter m then

the Enter button. The user interface would then show all artists

that start with M.

PlaYING musIC FROm THE dms4





The above section detailed how the user would navigate

the menus of the DMS4 using the CONTACT keypad. The

CONTACT is a touch screen interface where the user just

touches his selection on the screen shown. The DISPLAY and



user interfaces have a display area that shows the

metadata and instead of pressing selections on the display

area the end-user uses the menu navigation, soft keys and

alphanumeric hard keys to navigate through the choices in the

display area. For example, to navigate the DMS4 to find and

start playing music from Mark Knopfler the user would press

the soft Key under menu in the Now playing screen. The

user would then use the UP and DOWN arrows to move the

highlight bar up and down on the listed items in the display


Fig. 6-15 Playing music using the iREMOTE


or DISPLAY user interface

When the user has moved the highlight to the item he wants

ARTISTS, the user then presses the SELECT button. Then move

the highlight down on the ARTISTS screen to highlight Mark

Knopfler, press select. The user then moves the highlight down

to the album from that artist and presses select. On the TRACKS

menu the user can press SELECT to choose all of the songs from

that album.

Fig. 6-16 Navigating the Track, Artist and Album menus on the


and DISPLAY user interfaces

Alphanumeric search is also available on the iREMOTE



DISPLAY keypad. The user can use the alphanumeric hard

buttons like a cell phone by using multiple presses of the 5

number the display area will show “J” and each successive

press of the 5 button cycles through the letters then the number.

(i.e. multiple presses of the 5 button will show the user “J”, “K”,

“L” then “5”) When the user has the letter or number he wants,

he then presses the right arrow to move over to enter the next

letter/number, left arrow to go back 1 character or SELECT to

start the search.